!NOTE! Closed all day Saturday 2nd & 9th November due to private companies


Welcome to the authentic and beautiful Hotel Møen, where we offer accommodation, parties, dinner and good drops for the palate. We offer an authentic and cultural experience, but also a taste experience beyond the usual. 


We have secured a re-creation of the classic provincial town hotel Hotel Møen, which today still welcomes you in authentic surroundings and offers a fantastic dinner. 

Experience our gem here on the site or stop by… 



The project 'A journey into the past - a re-creation of the unique, historic courtyard environment at Hotel Møen in Stege' has strengthened Hotel Møen, as a company and cultural environment by exploiting development potential in the hotel's authentic courtyard.
The project is supported by LAG Sydsjælland / The European Agricultural Fund, Fanefjord Sparekasse's Fund, Vanførefonden and Vordingborg Municipality's Accessibility Fund.