CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS from 31 August to 15 September 2024 both days incl.

LAG Projects

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Renovation of Hotel Møen

After Fonden Møns Bygningsfornyelse took over the ownership of Hotel Møen in 2013, extensive renovations have been carried out on the old hotel buildings and courtyard. The renovations are divided into several projects regarding. resp. buildings and courtyard. 

The projects have the following identical titles: 

ProjectA journey into the past - restoration of the unique, historic farm environment at Hotel Møen in Stege“. 

ProjectA journey into the past - restoration of the classic provincial town hotel Hotel Møen, as a modern company in authentic style“.

The purpose of the projects is to strengthen Hotel Møen - as a company and cultural environment - by exploiting development potential in the hotel's authentic courtyard.

Specifically, the projects aimed at:

  • To replace the dilapidated courtyard with a new one that suits the place and make the farm usable as a living and serving area;

  • To embark on an 'experience route' that will stage the story of Hotel Møen and develop the quality of the historic urban environment;

  • To make the hotel courtyard accessible to the disabled and create better access opportunities for people with reduced mobility, also to the hotel's main building.

The projects are funded by LAG Sydsjælland / The European Agricultural Fund, Fanefjord Sparekasse's Fund, Vanførefonden and Vordingborg Municipality's Accessibility Fund and Real Danica.

In addition, rooms at Hotel Møen have been rebuilt. This project has the following title: 

Project “Establishment of B&B - rooms etc. at Hotel Møen ”

The purpose of the project is to supplement Hotel Møen's core service within the restaurant business with an offer of accommodation, which i.a. can strengthen the tourist environment in Stege town center. 

The project is funded by LAG Sydsjælland.

Click here to read more about the European Agricultural Fund.

The project is supported by LAG Sydsjælland / The European Agricultural Fund, Fanefjord Sparekasse's Fund, Vanførefonden and Vordingborg Municipality's Accessibility Fund.